About Us

Our History Bay City Gas Company has a unique history. In 1938, Mr. V.L. LeTulle, a successful resident businessman, purchased the privately owned gas utility that was providing gas service to Bay City. Mr. LeTulle deeded the Gas System to the City of Bay City, with the stipulation that it was to operate for the benefit of the citizens. The goal of his gift was to provide affordable and reliable natural gas service to all residents. The deed established a three member Board of Trustees, of which two members would be lifetime appointees and the third member would be the Mayor of Bay City. During subsequent years, revenue generated by Bay City Gas Company has provided funds (over $19,000,000 since 1938) to purchase fire trucks, water towers, buildings, street improvements, and other large capital assets for the City. To learn more about Bay City, Texas, visit the website at http://www.baycitytexas.org

Public Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Bay City Gas Company will meet in a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the company headquarters, 1100 6th Street, Bay City, TX 77414.

The following items may be deliberated at the meeting:

    • The following items may be deliberated at the meeting:
      • Call to Order:
        1. Quorum Call
        2. Welcome Citizens


      • Citizen Communication: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board of Trustees and speak on any matter not specifically listed for public hearing elsewhere in this Agenda. Please note that the Board members may not respond to comments or deliberate on topics if they are not included on this Agenda.


      • Staff reports and other discussion items: Items in this section are not expected to require action by the Board of Trustees and are generally for information only. However, all items listed in this section may become action items on request of any director, and the Board may take action on any item listed in this section without further notice.
        1. Management Report
        2. Financial Statement reports
        3. Investment Report
        4. Regulatory Updates
        5. Trustee Open Meetings Reports
        6. Secondary feed to City distribution system


      • Consent Agenda: No discussion is anticipated on any of the items in this section because they are routine business, were included in the budget adoption process, or have been previously discussed as a staff report or discussion item. These items will be considered collectively by a single vote, unless a Board member requests an item be removed from the consent agenda.
        1. Approve the Minutes from the meeting held January 28, 2025
        2. Approve payment of monthly bills


      • Action Items: the Board of Trustees will discuss, consider, and take any action deemed necessary on items in this section.*

      *Regardless of the agenda heading under which any item is listed, any subject mentioned in any word or phrase of any item listed on this agenda may be deliberated by the Board of Trustees, and such words or phrases are hereby added as additional subjects to be considered. Any descriptions of property or amounts stated herein are descriptive and not restrictive, and property and amounts may be changed in the motions, actions, or documents without further public notice


      1. Approval of amended policies


      1. Authorizing resolutions
        1. Discuss pool contract changes for approval.
        2. Authorize the Director to publish a Request for Proposals for Bank Depository Services







      • Executive Session. All items listed in this section will be deliberated in a closed session. Members of the public are not generally permitted to attend a closed session. Executive session items may be considered as an action item at the discretion of the Chair, however, the Board of Trustees will not take any action in closed session.*
      1. Texas Government Code Section 551.086, related to public power utilities competitive matters, such that the competitive activity of the Company with respect to the issue in question is not compromised or disclosed.

      *Any item on this Agenda may be discussed in Executive Session if authorized by Texas law regardless of whether it is listed under “Executive Session” of this Agenda, regardless of any past or current practice of the Board of Trustees. Executive Sessions herein are closed meetings, and may include consideration of any items otherwise listed on the Agenda, plus any subject specified in the executive session notice, and may include items under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.084, and/or 551.087. Executive Sessions may be held at 1100 6th Street, Bay City TX, or such other location as determined by the Board of Trustees. This Agenda has been reviewed and approved by the attorney for the Company, and the presence of any subject in the Executive Session portion of this Agenda constitutes a written interpretation of Chapter 551 of the Texas Local Government Code by the attorney for the governmental body indicating that said subject may be legally discussed in a closed meeting.




      • Action on Executive Session Items. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session and may take action on any item listed in the Executive Session section of this Agenda.



      • Adjournment


      This notice of the trustee meeting was posted on the front door of the offices of Bay City Gas Company and on the window next to the main south entrance of City Hall on or before 5pm Friday, February 21, 2025. For any questions concerning the above, please contact Leo Garza.




      Leo Garza, Director




Bay City Gas Company jobs offer opportunities for advancement, paid training, competitive pay, health insurance, retirement benefits, and paid holidays, vacations and sick leave. We seek co-workers who share our values for work, service to our customers and community, and who desire a CAREER and not simply a paycheck.

Current openings (none) : Operations and Maintenance. Qualifications: high school diploma or GED; valid Texas driver’s license; must pass a background check and drug screen; should have mechanical aptitude, eagerness to learn; veterans are encouraged to apply. Apply in person, 1100 6th Street. Complete the job application form and attach your resume. Starting pay : $18 per hour



January 1   (Wednesday) New Year’s
February 17 (Monday) President’s Day
April 18 Good Friday
May 26  (Monday) Memorial Day
July 4   (Friday) Independence Day
September 1 (Monday)  Labor Day
October 13  (Monday)  Columbus Day
November  27, 28 Thanksgiving
December  25, 26, ( Thursday, Friday) Christmas


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3 Myths About Natural Gas Rebates!